CST Blog
CST facilitates 14th International Workshop on the far right
6 June 2017
CST hosted the 14th annual workshop for specialists on the far right last week at a central London location. The workshop brings together global expert groups and researchers who focus on the far right to analyse current threats and the state of the far right today.
The workshop’s location has alternated between the USA and Europe. Participants come from specialist law enforcement agencies and expert civil society organisations such as Anti-Defamation League (USA), Southern Poverty Law Center (USA), Institute for Strategic Dialogue (UK), Hope not Hate (UK), Political Capital (Hungary), Never Again Association (Poland), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Project on Right Wing Extremism (Germany), Simon Wiesenthal Center (USA). Other regular participants come from the Kennedy School of American Studies at the Berlin Technological University, the University of Applied Science of Public Administration School of Police Studies (Germany) and the Europa University Viadrina (Germany).
CST’s Government and International Affairs Director, Mike Whine MBE, analysed with workshop colleagues the strength of Europe’s commitment to combating racism and extremism. He focused on the European agencies which tackle extremism and racism, and recent developments in legislation and cooperation and the work of European Union agencies on hate crime training, which Mike participates in. Other CST colleagues also presented on the state of the UK extreme right.
In addition, speakers from the Workshop also participated in an International Seminar on Right Wing Extremism organised jointly by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Demos, the UK-based think tank, on 23 May.
Read more of CST’s work on the far right from the CST blog and news items.