Reporting antisemitic incidents to CST

If you are in immediate danger please call the police on 999. Then call the CST National Emergency Number 0800 032 3263.

If you are the victim of an antisemitic incident or you have information regarding an antisemitic incident that happened to somebody else, please contact us as soon as possible.

An antisemitic incident is any malicious act aimed at Jewish people, organisations or property, where there is evidence that the incident has antisemitic motivation or content, or that the victim was targeted because they are (or are believed to be) Jewish.

CST has a dedicated team that deals with antisemitic incidents and provides victim support, while respecting confidentiality at all times. CST can liaise with the police and other bodies to help ensure that any incident is dealt with properly. If you do not want to contact the police directly, CST can do so on your behalf as a ‘Third Party Reporter’.

In a non-emergency situation you can also report an incident online by using the form below. Please ensure that you are as specific as possible and include as many details as you can remember. 

When reporting an incident to CST, all personal information is handled in the strictest confidence. Please read the CST Victims Privacy Notice to learn more.

All fields marked with a * have to be filled in before the form can be submitted.

Reporter Details

Victim Details (if not reporter)

Stage 1 of 3

For more information call 020 8457 9999
or email