Leave a Legacy

A legacy is often the biggest gift a supporter can make, and at the same time is the easiest. There are different ways you can help CST via a legacy.
You can leave a specific donation
This means you can determine the precise sum that you want to give.
You can leave a percentage share
Unlike a specific gift where you state exactly how much you want the charity to receive, a percentage share is not eroded by inflation over time.
So, for example, 5% now, which would make a significant impact on CST’s future, would still be 5% twenty years from now.
You can leave the residue of your estate
Once all other gifts and costs have been taken into account, you may prefer to allocate part of the remainder of your estate. Almost half of all legacies to charity are residuary gifts, and they are a popular option because they don’t depend on a fixed sum being available.
In addition, it could also help protect your family from having to pay inheritance tax later. This happens if the value of your estate goes above the threshold set by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
You can leave a specific gift
Another option is to give a specific legacy, such as jewellery or shares for CST to sell. Sometimes, people leave a property with the proviso that, perhaps, it reverts to the charity after an occupant has passed away.
All charitable legacies avoid inheritance tax and - whatever its size or form- each and every legacy is treasured by CST.
For further information about making a legacy, please contact the fundraising office on 020 8457 3700