Search Results for 'MEMO'

  • When Antisemitism Is Inevitable

    An analysis of a deeply flawed article entitled Antisemitism Is Not Inevitable, published on leading UK Islamist website, MEMO.   

  • Is everyone Jewish on Google?

    22 March 2010

    A few weeks ago there was outrage in certain areas of the blogosphere about the suggested results given by Google when the terms “Arabs are” and “why do Arabs” is typed into the search engine.  These posts have generally accused Google and/or its users of racism because some of the …

  • From UCU to MEMO and "Israel's British hirelings"

    Of the many depressing features around the University and College Union's (UCU) trashing of the European Union Monitoring Centre's Working Definition of Antisemitism, perhaps the worst one is the basic denial of the decency and humanity of those expressing concerns about antisemitism. In this, the UCU…

  • American Nazi "Prophecy" and Dr Daud Abdullah: Deja Vu?

    Allegations of antisemitism are mounting against Sheikh Raed Salah of the Islamic Movement, as legal squabbles continue over Britain’s attempts to deport him back to Israel. Salah’s public relations defence is being led by MEMO (Middle East Monitor), a UK Islamist lobby / media group under the directorship of D…

  • Antisemitism: complacency and camouflage in the Frontline.

    Swapping “Zionist” or “pro-Israeli” for “Jewish” is not opposing antisemitism. It is, at best, a lazy linguistic complacency that camouflages antisemitic ways of thinking: making antisemitism harder to expose and fight. An unusually explicit example of this can be clearly seen in the footage of a meeting at London journalist haunt…

  • Salah latest: Muslim demography will free USA and Europe from Zionist slavery

    22 October 2012

    Sheikh Raed Salah has triumphantly declared that Muslim birth rates will free Islam-hating Europeans and Americans from "mental subjugation", and enslavement to "global Zionism" , "Protestant Zionism" and "the Crusader hatred". The speech was recently broadcast on Al Jazeera and an excerpt has been translated by MEMRI. It lasts just…

  • Sheikh Raed Salah Detention

    29 June 2011

    CST welcomes the detention by UK Borders Agency, late last night, of Sheikh Raed Salah. Salah is leader of the Northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel. He had entered the UK despite having been reportedly banned from coming into the country, and is now very likely…

  • Who liked Dispatches?

    19 November 2009

    We have already written on this blog about how, despite Peter Oborne's assurance that in making Monday's Dispatches, Inside Britain's Israel Lobby, "we haven't found anything resembling a conspiracy", the tone and structure of the programme and its associated promotional media material, risked encouraging exactly that conclusion. So it is w…

  • Antisemitism: Norwich to Westminster & 800 years

    Tonight, BBC 2 will show a documentary entitled, "History Cold Case: The Bodies in the Well". It concerns the remains of 17 skeletons found at the bottom of a medieval well in Norwich. The skeletons date from the 12th or 13th centuries and were found in 2004 during construction works. 11 of…