Education in Schools
Streetwise and Stand Up! are partnership programmes between CST and Maccabi GB.

Streetwise works nationally with Jewish schools and community organisations, enhancing the personal safety and development of young Jewish people to support their physical and emotional wellbeing. We are proud to be leading informal education in Jewish schools across Great Britain.
Among a broad range of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) National Curriculum topics, Streetwise delivers antisemitism and anti-discrimination education to young Jewish people in secondary schools from the age of 12-18. Antisemitism sessions use a variety of resources, including CST's annual Antisemitic Incidents Report, videos and imagery, as well as statistics from our partners and supporters. The programme aims to help young people define antisemitism, understand its history and roots as well as its current manifestations. School sessions promote and empower young people to report and combat antisemitism, by providing young people with the skills and tools necessary to identify and tackle antisemitism and hate crime in British society.
Personal Safety sessions are delivered by Streetwise facilitators and CST's personal safety instructors in primary and secondary schools, as well as in youth movements and community organisations. Theory and practical sessions cover a wide range of topics, from street awareness and road safety, to learning about what constitutes a 'good stranger', to self-defence and Krav Maga (martial and combat skills). The sessions work on building blocks, training young people to become street wise and sense a dangerous situation before it escalates.
As well as sessions in Jewish schools, Streetwise has a particular interest in reaching young Jewish people in Jewish societies at universities, synagogue groups, communal organisations, youth movements and summer camps and schemes.
To contact Streetwise please email [email protected]

Stand Up! Education Against Discrimination
Stand Up! Education Against Discrimination was launched in 2017 to provide anti-discrimination education, with a focus on antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate, to young people in mainstream schools. In its first four years, the interfaith project delivered sessions to over 35,000 students across the United Kingdom.
Through interactive workshops and drawing on the unique knowledge of many partners in the hate crime field, Stand Up! seeks to empower young people to act against all forms of discrimination, racism, antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred, while developing their sense of social responsibility in their local communities and British society as a whole.
Stand Up! workshops are delivered to young people in school years 7/8, 9/10 and sixth form, with the specific aims to:
- Emphasise British values and educate students about the Equality Act (2010) and different protected characteristics in the UK
- Provide a safe, informal space for young people to explore historical and current issues that affect their lives
- Define racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim hate and other forms of discrimination
- Introduce the basic tenets of Judaism and Islam
- Discuss and break down stereotypes
- Present verified and reliable hate crime statistics
- Sensitively explore young people’s experiences through case studies and real life incidents
- Analysing what constitutes antisemitic and anti-Muslim rhetoric within the context of conversations surrounding the conflict in the Middle East
- Provide young people with skills and tools to responsibly challenge hate crime, empowering them to become 'Upstanders' in society
To contact Stand Up! please email