Search Results for 'atzmon'

  • John Pilger & New Statesman: same old story

    12 March 2010

    On 2 March I posted an article expressing concern about John Pilger: and, more importantly, about what would appear to be the repeated failure of his publishers at the New Statesman to moderate or edit his rhetoric concerning Zionism and Jews.  I summarised my concerns in a letter to the New St…

  • Hidden Agenda at Southampton University?

    2 April 2015

    The cancellation on “health and safety” grounds of a planned anti-Israel conference at Southampton University hides a deeper problem with the conference: its organiser’s insistence that Zionism can only be understood by deep reference and understanding of Jews, Judaism, “Jewish being” and “Jewish pathology”.

  • Protocols then and now

    17 February 2010

    Gilad Atzmon, jazz musician and ex-Israeli, writing last week in Dissident Voice -  which describes itself as "a radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice": Interestingly enough, the political morbid conditions in which we live was actually described by an unusual fictional text that was published in 1903 …

  • John Pilger & New Statesman: still an anti-kosher conspiracy?

    2 March 2010

    The 11 February 2010 edition of the New Statesman, ‘Everything You Know About Islam Is Wrong’ was devoted to demanding clarity, precision and understanding in the way that the media and public discuss issues concerning Muslims, Islam, political Islamism and extreme Jihadist terrorism. Its editorial stated   Fear and ignorance are a toxic co…

  • Beware the Ides of March: Malaysian Airlines, the Ukrainian Revolution, BBC, Washington

    1 April 2014

    The last week of March 2014 was a busy one for conspiracy theories about Jews and Zionists, with the Illuminati thrown in for good measure. It may be April Fools day and these people may be fools, but none of this is particularly amusing. Here is a quick round up: …

  • Antisemitic Discourse Report 2018

    30 December 2019

    CST’s Antisemitic Discourse Report covering 2018 is released today. Its study of the Labour antisemitism controversy is a timely reminder of the weight of offence that caused the Jewish communal leadership to hold the unprecedented Enough is Enough demonstration in March last year; and what subsequently caused Labour to be formally accused of institutional antisemitism. Given the Discourse Report’s content, it is somewhat ironic that it had to be delayed due to the 2019 General Election being called, as publication would have risked CST breaking electoral and charitable guidelines   

  • BBC, quenelle & Berlin Holocaust Memorial

    This is Alain Soral, a former French Front National member, doing a "quenelle" at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. Soral was interviewed on BBC's Newsnight by Jeremy Paxman as part of a feature on French antisemite, Dieudonne. (See it here. The Dieudonne feature is from 38min 00sec to 4…

  • Iranian & American antisemites unite: British anti-Zionists on stand-by

    19 December 2012

    Iranian state broadcaster, Press TV, has excitedly blamed the dreadful Connecticut school shooting upon Israel, Zionists and Jews. It is quoting Mike Harris, financial editor of the American website, Veterans Today: And I want you to look at this in a greater context of things. We have had a Zionist-controlled…

  • The Economist’s Pathetic “Auschwitz Complex”

    9 March 2012

    According to an article by “M.S.” on the Economist blog, Israel and its Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fear Iran because they suffer from “Auschwitz complex”. Furthermore, this “Auschwitz complex” supposedly links with the Jewish festivals of Purim and Passover. At its end, we are told that Netanyahu’s fears over I…

  • CST report: 'Antisemitic Discourse in Britain in 2011'

    29 November 2012

    CST’s final annual report of the year, Antisemitic discourse in Britain in 2011 is available today on the publications section of CST’s website, in pdf format. It may be read here. The report is 38 pages long and contains introductory sections on Jewish life, antisemitism and anti-Zionism, followed by a…