CST Blog

Nudge-nudge, wink-wink.

16 May 2011

If you had to guess which of the competing parties at the recent May 5th elections was talking about the "Zionist-led Labour Party", what one would it be?

Had Zionism been a salient feature of Ed Miliband's leadership of the Labour Party then we could, perhaps, make some kind of an excuse for "Zionist-led Labour Party". But it has not. Not at all.     

So, who would say such a thing? And why does "Zionist-led" matter to them?

To help, here is the full sentence with the party name removed:

The XXX has emerged as the main electoral force on the left of British politics having outpolled the other 'left' parties that we have taken on. This gives us an excellent springboard since we are likely to benefit from the growing dissatisfaction with the capitalist, warmongering, Zionist-led Labour Party.

Step forward, the Socialist Labour Party, latest in a depressingly long line of left-wing winners of the nudge-nudge, wink-wink, know-what-I mean award.


Less funny, of course, would be a Britain in which accusations of being "Zionist-led" became a regular part of electoral campaigning. (As opposed to the current situation, where the Guardian and the Independent newspapers merely refer to American presidents and Capitol Hill in this manner. Such as here and here.)

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