CST Blog

Manchester terror plot couple sentenced

20 July 2012

Mohammed Sajid Khan and Shasta Khan, the Oldham couple convicted of planning a terrorist attack against Manchester's Jewish community, have today been sentenced to prison terms for their plot:

Mohammed Sajid Khan, 33, who pleaded guilty before the trial at Manchester Crown Court of his wife, Shasta, was given an indeterminate sentence of 15 years, to serve a minimum of seven years before being considered for parole. Mr Justice Wilkie, sentencing Khan, described him as a "dangerous" man whose prison sentence was being imposed in order to protect the public. The judge said Khan was the dominant force in the couple's relationship who was capable of putting into action his violent wishes.

Shasta Khan, his 38-year-old wife, was sentenced to eight years and is likely to serve a minimum of four years. Both the sentences will be minus the 350 days in custody which the couple have already served while awaiting trial.

CST's Mark Gardner said:

The sentences clearly reflect the fact Mohammed Sajid Khan was the dominant person in this plot, and we hope he spends a long time in prison. We will never know if Shasta Khan would have turned to terrorism had she not married her husband, but she played her role in the plot and has been sentenced accordingly.

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