CST Blog
Annual Review 2016
27 February 2017
This week CST released the Annual Review 2016. The review is a chance to see the highlights of CST’s crucial work over the past year. CST received charitable status in 1994, and works to secure the Jewish community in the United Kingdom and fight antisemitism.
A copy of the review can be downloaded here.
After CST reported a record high number of antisemitic incidents in 2016, the Annual Review examines our vital work with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to ensure that legislation effectively tackles antisemitism and other hate crimes. The review also includes information about several cases that CST worked on, both in terms of work with the CPS and with victims, and the sentences that the perpetrators received.
CST’s Security Enhancement Project is a significant assignment to boost the physical security of our Jewish community; including CCTV, perimeter fencing and gates. CST, to date, has spent over £10 million on this project throughout the United Kingdom.
CST has trained over 5,500 volunteers, who help us to protect our Jewish community. 2015 saw a record year following the tragic terrorist attacks against the community in Paris and Copenhagen. 2016 also saw large numbers of community members joining CST, and CST trained over 1,000 CST and synagogue personnel.
CST also works closely with both the Government and the Police to ensure that our expertise about antisemitism, security and hate crime is shared. This takes place on both a national and international scale, and CST assists other communities to better monitor hate crime and secure themselves.
To read more about the work CST undertook in 2016, please read the Annual Review 2016 here.