CST Blog
CST wishes our whole community a safe and enjoyable Pesach
19 April 2019

This Pesach, be proud and live the Jewish life you want.
These are difficult times, with the terrorist threat and the overall political situation causing deep concern to British Jews. This time last year, in the face of ongoing political antisemitism, the Jewish community gathered together in Parliament Square, to declare that “enough is enough”.
When we released our Antisemitic Incidents Report 2018, our aim was to present the facts responsibly and without exaggeration or hype. CST exists to facilitate Jewish life, not to publicise antisemitism. We will always be honest about how things stand, without spreading panic or fear; and by placing antisemitism in the wider context of the positive reality that is normal, daily Jewish life.
After the appalling terrorist attack against the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, USA last year, it was humbling to be repeatedly thanked for keeping the UK Jewish community as safe as possible. Pittsburgh showed, in the most horrible way, exactly why CST does its work, and why it’s done in total partnership with our whole community. CST works with Jewish communities across the UK to provide security and infrastructure that these difficult times require. After Pittsburgh, many were eager to support our work through donations and become more aware of their surroundings to ensure they play their part as needed.
We must all share the responsibility of keeping our communities and families safe.
CST’s aim is to encourage Jewish life, to strengthen communal resilience and to enable everyone to help oppose antisemitism. Please report antisemitism if you experience or witness it and report any suspicious behaviour in or around Jewish locations and neighbourhoods, first to the Police and then to CST. If you see something, please play your part and report it.
CST needs more volunteer security officers throughout our communities. We run a variety of courses and training is completely free. Volunteering for CST is a fantastic way to give something back while learning new skills, getting fit and joining a team of people who are passionate about protecting our community.
CST is a charity. Please consider making a donation. All our work, from monitoring antisemitism to giving security advice, providing highly professional volunteer security teams at communal events and training the community is free of charge. We cannot do it without your support.