CST Blog

BNP activist convicted of racist abuse

14 September 2009

Cambridge News reports (via Hope Not Hate):

A 60-YEAR-OLD man declared himself to be "BNP and proud" after subjecting neighbours to racist abuse.

John Chappell told a Cambridge-born man with Caribbean origins to "go back where he came from", a court heard.

The attack occured in Newmarket after the man was asked if he had been delivering British National Party (BNP) leaflets.

When neighbours leapt to the defence of the victim of the attack, Chappell began spitting on them and threatened to set fire to their homes.

Chappell, who lives on a houseboat in Upware, Cambridgeshire, admitted charges of racially aggravated harassment, racially aggravated common assault and disorderly behaviour when he appeared before magistrates at Bury St Edmunds .

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