CST Blog

The Sound of Hatred

22 September 2009

The violent racism and antisemitism of the neo Nazi music promoters, "Blood & Honour", has once again been exposed. On this occasion by Edmund Standing, author of a recent Centre for Social Cohesion report, "The BNP and the Online Fascist Network".

Standing found numerous examples of lyrics that blatantly breach anti-racist and anti-terror legislation.  This included the following examples of Blood & Honour "lyrics", taken from the album, “Murder Squad”, by the Blue Eyed Devils:

Nigger lover! Race traitor!
Walk in shame and hide your face
On you knees, my gun to your head
Worthless scum you know what lies ahead
With the pull of the trigger, now you’re dead!

Traitors are hung and others shot dead
Kill the Jew and cut off his head
Destroy the enemy and his lies
Send the filth to an early demise

It is astonishing that the Police and prosecution services appear to be permitting such activities: and especially so given the recent growth in white racist street activities, and the threat of neo-Nazi terrorism.

(For reasons of personal security and privacy, CST urges readers of this blog not to directly access any of the Blood & Honour websites. Furthermore, Edmund Standing’s work makes it unnecessary to do so.)

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