CST Blog

Demonstration at the Israeli Embassy: a clarification

13 May 2011

CST is aware that a demonstration in support of Israel has been organised to take place outside the Israeli Embassy in London this Sunday (this is totally separate from the 'We Believe in Israel' event on the same day). Some of the advertising for this demonstration claims that it has been organised in co-ordination with CST.

CST would like to make it clear that we have not organised this demonstration, and we will not be providing security for it.

We will not be providing security because we believe that members of the English Defence League plan to attend the demonstration, and that the organisers have not taken sufficient steps to prevent this from happening.

UPDATE: After further discussions over the weekend with the organisers of this demonstration, CST was given the assurances we were seeking that the organisers had distanced themselves sufficiently from the EDL. Consequently, CST provided security for the demonstration yesterday.

CST has made it very clear that the EDL threatens law and order with its intimidating behaviour, and the racist activity and far right connections of its leaders and members.

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