CST Blog

Neo-Nazi 'demonstration' announced for Stamford Hill, north London

2 February 2015

A neo-Nazi activist called Joshua Bonehill-Paine has announced his intention to hold an antisemitic demonstration in Stamford Hill, north London, on 22nd March. This has distressed many people due to the presence of a large Jewish community in that part of London. CST has received several calls, emails and other messages of concern as a result.

Bonehill-Paine has a track record of using social media to spreadracist and abusive hoax messages. He is essentially a provocateur and has not shown the capacity to mobilise large numbers of people to attend far right events. It is possible that his announcement is simply intended to inflame community tensions rather than indicating more concrete plans to actually demonstrate. Consequently it is important that anybody who wishes to oppose Bonehill-Paine's demonstration does so responsibly and in a way that does not cause unnecessary anxiety in the Jewish community.

CST is in close contact with Police, the local Jewish community and social media providers over this matter. We have reported Bonehill-Paine's antisemitic social media accounts to the relevant platforms and asked that they be removed (one YouTube video has already been removed at the time of writing). We have also reported some of its content to the Police and will be asking them to ban the planned demonstration due to its explicitly antisemitic purpose. We will continue to monitor the situation, working with the Police and the local community in the coming weeks.

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