CST Blog
In memory of Dan Uzan Z”L
15 February 2016
2 June 1977 - 15 February 2015

One year ago today, in the early hours of the 15 February 2015, Dan Uzan Z”L was brutally gunned down by Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein whilst protecting 80 people at a Bat Mitzvah at the Great Synagogue in Copenhagen. Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen commemorated the tragic attacks and laid flowers in memory of both Uzan and filmmaker Finn Noergaard, who was also killed by El-Hussein hours before Uzan at a free speech event.
In November 2015 Dan was posthumously awarded the French medal of courage and has been named ‘Dane of the Year by The Berlingske Media group, with over 25,000 readers voting.
Dan Uzan Z”L is an inspiration for all the men and women who regularly protect their Jewish communities across Europe and those who serve as CST volunteers in the United Kingdom. His sacrifice will never be forgotten by CST and he has been commemorated by CST naming one of our security teams after him.