CST Blog
CST pays tribute to PC Keith Palmer
23 March 2017

Everybody at CST extends our deepest condolences to all those affected by yesterday’s terrorist incident at Parliament. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families and we wish the injured a speedy recovery.
We wish to pay special tribute to PC Keith Palmer, who was murdered in the line of duty yesterday. Through our work in partnership with the Police protecting the Jewish community, we see how often and how willingly they put themselves in danger to protect all of us. We will always appreciate their bravery and mourn their sacrifice. As CST’s Deputy Chair Lloyd Dorfman CBE said in his speech at our recent Annual Dinner:
“We know it is Police officers who are in the front line, patrolling our streets, investigating hate crimes and preventing terrorist attacks. We see the courage and professionalism with which they protect all of us and our communities, every day. So, to the many senior Police officers who are our welcome guests here this evening, may I take this opportunity on behalf of CST and the entire Jewish community to say a loud ‘thank you’.”
CST will continue to do all we can to make our contribution to keeping our country and our communities safe, working with Police, Government and those of all faiths and backgrounds across the United Kingdom. #WeStandTogether
[Image: Maurice]