CST Blog
CST goes back to school
4 July 2018

CST has been focused on working with Jewish schools and parents to ensure all members of our Jewish community have access to the vital support and protection we offer. As well as launching the new publication A Parent’s Guide to CST at the Maccabi Community Fun Run earlier this summer, CST has been attending schools to work with parents, staff and teachers to explain the crucial work we do and what we can offer.
CST’s engagement and communications officer gave a well-received presentation to staff and new parents at Yeladenu Pre-school in Muswell Hill last week, giving an insight into the work that CST does for Jewish parents and children across the UK, as well as specific examples of CST’s work for Yeladenu. Parents were updated about how the nursery has directly benefitted from CST’s Security Enhancement Project, as well as details of the Home Office Security Guarding grant, that CST applies for and manages each year, benefiting Yeladenu and hundreds of other Jewish buildings across the country.
CST has also been delighted to get the chance to engage with families at Jewish school fetes across London. With a stall packed with information for parents, volunteer sign-up sheets, information about CST and other family-friendly literature, CST’s engagement and communications officer was in her element - nestled amongst tombolas, balloons and bake sales.
CST protects hundreds of Jewish schools across the UK, from large secondary schools with thousands of pupils to small primary schools with under 20 students. CST staff were delighted to meet the families that we protect throughout the year and we were delighted to attend, amongst others, the Gesher School fete in Cricklewood. Having 14 students at the school, the crowd was small but vibrant and the parents and staff were welcoming and keen to hear about CST and how we have supported the new school since it opened its doors to children with special educational needs a year and a half ago.
CST is delighted to attend school and Jewish community events and to discuss our work in the community. CST’s mission is to facilitate Jewish life, to protect our Jewish community from antisemitism so that Jewish families can live the Jewish life that they choose.
If you work in a school and would like CST to attend your school’s fete or fair, curriculum evening or parent's evening to engage with parents, teachers and staff about the crucial work CST does to protect Jewish children, you can contact CST’s communications team.