CST Blog
CST Manchester Dinner 2024
18 November 2024

Last night 400 supporters of CST, including politicians, police and donors from the Manchester Jewish community and other northern communities, attended the 2024 CST Dinner in Manchester.
CST is a charity that relies upon donations to do its work and fundraising events such as last night’s dinner are an opportunity for the Jewish Community and our friends to express their resolve to stand firm against antisemitism.

Guests were welcomed by CST Manchester Chairman, Michael Edelson and CST Trustee, Robert Levy, who spoke about the crucial work that CST does to protect the community, followed by an update from Amanda Bomsztyk, CST’s Northern Regional Director, who commented:
“CST faced a demand for our services like never before, and we delivered. We increased the number of staff and volunteers, and together worked unprecedented hours. We rapidly boosted financial support to shuls and schools to improve their physical security, funded security patrols on the streets in Jewish areas, increased our volunteer and community training sessions and expanded our radio networks and CCTV coverage. We recruited and trained new volunteers who came forward to join our fight, and we increased our capacity in the north by over 50%.”

Stephen Watson QPM, GMP Chief Constable highlighted the importance of fighting antisemitism:
"Risk in all its forms can be mitigated, and the risk in this context is, I feel absolutely sure, mitigated to the fullest of human ability by our relationship with the CST. It is the CST that have been so instrumental in supporting the work of GMP. Of course, that relationship extends well beyond these most difficult recent months, but I think that with all relationships that are forged over time. When the rubber really hits the road, that is when those relationships really start to work at a deep and fundamental level and that is something that we have seen throughout."

The dinner was concluded by Sir Gerald Ronson CBE, who thanked guests for attending and pledging their support for CST. Sir Gerald commented:
"The threat here is as bad as anywhere in the country. That is why CST has employees in Manchester. It is why we spend so much money on guarding and security equipment up here. But it isn’t enough. We need to do a lot more. And that can only happen with your help. I know that some of you have supported CST for years. You have been essential in what we’ve built here. I thank you for what you’ve given us, and I thank every one of you who came here tonight."
CST wishes to thank all CST staff and volunteers who made last night a success. Thank you to all those who attended the event, including speakers, donors and distinguished guests: without your support CST would be unable to fulfil its mission to protect the Jewish community.