CST Blog
Brussels terrorism and UK security
22 March 2016

The Jihadist terror attacks in Brussels on the morning of 22 March 2016 are a tragic reminder of why security measures are in place at UK Jewish communal venues and events. We offer our condolences to all those affected by this latest outrage.
CST asks that all communal venues, organisations and events ensure existing security procedures are reviewed and rigorously enforced. We ask everybody attending communal buildings and events to follow the instructions of the security officers present.
CST maintains close contact with UK Police and Government to ensure that security levels remain appropriate and that we are fully informed of the current situation.
Immediately after the Brussels attacks, CST was in direct contact with Scotland Yard, regional Police forces and Government. We stress that there is no specific information relating to possible attacks against the UK or our Jewish community, but there is a continuing risk of terrorism and we strongly echo recent Police and Government statements warning against any complacency here in the UK.
CST will continue working in the closest partnership with hundreds of Jewish communal organisations, asking everyone to play their part in our joint security efforts. Our shared purpose is to keep our communities safe, welcoming and vibrant.
Above all, CST thanks our community for its ongoing support for all of our security efforts. In particular, we thank the hundreds of men and women who have volunteered to join CST this year, and we appeal for others to step forward and share the responsibility.
We remind our community to report all suspicious activities to CST and to call 999 in case of emergency.
CST continues to ask members of the community to:
- Be alert for suspicious people and activities including parked cars and unattended items
- Challenge (if it is safe to do so) and report suspicious people
- Avoid congregating outside communal buildings and events: please disperse quickly after leaving
- Prevent ‘tailgating’ – someone following close behind and attempting to gain access to the building when gates or doors are opened
- Volunteer for security rotas at communal buildings – security is everybody’s responsibility