CST Blog

CST supports Hatzola and the Kehilla

20 November 2017

CST's National Head of Training ran a specially designed day for ten Hatzola members from the Kehilla, at CST's Hendon office on Sunday 12 November. Hatzola is a Jewish volunteer-led ambulance team which responds to medical emergencies and incidents within the community.

The Hatzola team was taught personal safety for when they respond to emergencies. This included practical self-defence techniques. They also received the Project Griffin programme, which is a counter-terror awareness project organised by the UK National Counter Terrorism Security Office and for which CST's Head of Training is a licensed instructor. CST was accredited to deliver Project Griffin in December 2016, and has facilitated several sessions over the past year for the wider community to ensure they can to “detect and deter terrorist activity and crime”.

The feedback from the Hatzola members was excellent and they have now asked for more training, which CST will be very happy to deliver as part of its continuing commitment to helping keep the Kehilla safe and secure in every way. CST is also looking forward to learning what it can learn from the unique service and professionalism that Hatzola provides.

CST's National Head of Training who led the day said:

“This is what CST does; it works with all members of the Jewish community and advises and trains them against the threats they face. Like CST, Hatzola volunteers may be required to run towards the danger, so it is vital they receive training for their personal safety. These members of Hatzola are a credit to the Stamford Hill Kehilla, their commitment and willingness to learn was inspiring."

If you would like to take part in Project Griffin, please contact CST’s training department

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